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;e.gb[]='ti::Thank you! You are on the website of People Talkative Baby (Peuple Bavard Baby) dedicated solely to information for children under 4 years.'
;e.gb[]='te:: Hello and welcome! I asked my dad to help me make a journal for post-babies, fetus, babies and infants.
He encouraged me, telling me that I had a good idea.
So way to learn a lot!'
;e.gb[]="na::gb Yves-Loucas, one month"
e.gb[]='ti::Thank you! You are on the website of People Talkative Baby (Peuple Bavard Baby) dedicated solely to information for children under 4 years.'
e.gb[]='te:: Hello and welcome! I asked my dad to help me make a journal for post-babies, fetus, babies and infants.[br/] He encouraged me, telling me that I had a good idea.[br/] So way to learn a lot!'
e.gb[]="na::gb Yves-Loucas, one month"
e.fr[]='ti::Thank you! You are on the website of People Talkative Baby (Peuple Bavard Baby) dedicated solely to information for children under 4 years.'
e.fr[]='te:: Hello and welcome! I asked my dad to help me make a journal for post-babies, fetus, babies and infants.[br/] He encouraged me, telling me that I had a good idea.[br/] So way to learn a lot!'
e.fr[]="na::fr Yves-Loucas, one month"
e.sp[]='ti::Thank you! You are on the website of People Talkative Baby (Peuple Bavard Baby) dedicated solely to information for children under 4 years.'
e.sp[]='te:: Saluton kaj bonvenon! Mi demandis mian pacjon helpi min fari revuon por post-beboj, fetoj, beboj kaj infanoj [br/]. Li kuragigis min, dirante al mi ke mi havis bonan ideon. [br/] Do maniero lerni multe!'
e.sp[]="na::sp Yves-Loucas, one month"