;carrousel0 ;http://www.nicematin.com/derniere-minute/monde-avant-lenfant-syrien-ces-photos-qui-avaient-indigne-le-monde-entier.2328230.html ;http://www.delitdimages.org/pourquoi-la-photo-de-cette-enfant-assassinee-par-lei-na-telle-pas-petrifie-le-monde-entier/ ;http://www.europe-israel.org/2015/09/aylan-kurdi-kurde-agee-de-3-ans-est-mort-parce-querdogan-combat-les-kurdes/ ;http://www.lexpress.fr/informations/les-petits-martyrs-de-la-guerre-iran-irak_645648.html ;http://www.avesideh.org/galerie.php?gclid=COK7w__pockCFUjmwgod260PGQ ;http://www.doctissimo.fr/html/grossesse/avant/envie-enfant/niv2/envie-enfant-decrypter.htm ;http://www.francetvinfo.fr/societe/education/enfants-autistes-retires-a-leurs-parents-une-mere-fustige-la-meconnaissance-des-services-sociaux_1037969.html ;http://www.letemps.ch/societe/2014/09/29/un-enfant-non-merci ;http://www.lematin.ch/societe/Vous-etes-surs-de-vouloir-des-enfants-/story/21109617 image: DR ;http://www.petitpetitgamin.com/2014/02/27/des-bebes-qui-font-des-faces-droles-26-photos/ ;http://naitreetgrandir.com/fr/etape/0_12_mois/jeux/fiche.aspx?doc=bg-naitre-grandir-eveiller-interet-bebe-lecture ;http://actualites.lefigaro.fr/105 [set] ;dir[0]=default dir[]="img0" dir[]="img1" ;style[0]=default style[]="d::font-family:comic sans ms;font-size:8pt;" style[]="ti::font-family:comic sans ms;font-size:7pt;" style[]="te::font-family:comic sans ms;font-size:9pt;" style[]="na::font-family:comic sans ms;font-size:7pt;" ;photo[0]=width/height default photo[]="wh::100px/120px" photo[]="im::fix-image-edito.bmp" [img] gb[]=Bolkestein gb[]=Infos gb[]=Anne-Frank gb[]=Balavoine gb[]=Post gb[]=Chariot gb[]=Coluche gb[]=Justice gb[]=Lactation [edito] ;e.gb[]="ti::Thank you! You are on the website of People Talkative Baby (Peuple Bavard Baby) dedicated solely to information for children under 4 years." ;e.gb[]="te::   Hello and welcome! I asked my dad to help me make a journal for post-babies, fetus, babies and infants.
   He encouraged me, telling me that I had a good idea.
So way to learn a lot!
" ;e.gb[]="na::gb Yves-Loucas, one month" gb[]="ti::Thank you! You are on the website of People Talkative Baby (Peuple Bavard Baby) dedicated solely to information for children under 4 years." gb[]="te::   gb Hello and welcome! I asked my dad to help me make a journal for pre-fetus, fetus, babies and infants.
   He encouraged me, telling me that I had a good idea.
So way to learn a lot!
" gb[]="na::gb Yves-Loucas, one month" gb[]="ih::(Warning: humorous picture)" fr[]="ti::Thank you! You are on the website of People Talkative Baby (Peuple Bavard Baby) dedicated solely to information for children under 4 years." fr[]="te::  Bonjour et bienvenue! J’ai demandé à mon papa de m’aider à faire un journal pour les pré-foetus, les foetus, les bébés et nourissons.
  Il m’a encouragé, me disant que j’ai eu une bonne idée.
Alors en route pour apprendre beaucoup!
" fr[]="na::fr Yves-Loucas, one month" fr[]="ih::(attention: image humoristique)" sp[]="ti::Thank you! You are on the website of People Talkative Baby (Peuple Bavard Baby) dedicated solely to information for children under 4 years." sp[]="te::   Saluton kaj bonvenon! Mi demandis mian pacjon helpi min fari revuon por pre-fetoj, fetoj, beboj kaj infanoj
.  Li kuragigis min, dirante al mi ke mi havis bonan ideon.
Do maniero lerni multe!
" sp[]="na::sp Yves-Loucas, one month" sp[]="ih::(zorgema: humura bildo)"